JustMonkeying for...
Justmonkeying for Schools

Justmonkeying Children’s Library assists schools set up their libraries and also tailor make programmes for Gifted Readers allowing them to take their passion for reading further, we also conduct programmes to improve writing skills and conduct workshops with Children’s Authors to enable children to have a first hand experience with writers. We also assist English language teachers from Schools with specific tailor made programmes to enable their students to assimilate the written word and inculcate reading skills.

Justmonkeying for Publishers

Justmonkeying Children’s Library being associated with schools and readers assists publishers showcase their books to a wider audience , we also promote quality , even if they may not be popular but simulate the children’s mind and enhance his overall learning skills. have a first hand experience with writers. We also assist English language teachers from Schools with specific tailor made programmes to enable their students to assimilate the written word and inculcate reading skills.

Justmonkeying for Authors

Justmonkeying also encourages Indian Authors to showcase their works as a majority of publications for Children are from overseas , we feel that there is a huge potential and latent need for quality reading by Indian authors that relates to local content and can relate to Indian children. We can also link your pages to ours. We also invite submissions from Authors to our blog. with writers. We also assist English language teachers from Schools with specific tailor made programmes to enable their students to assimilate the written word and inculcate reading skills.

Justmonkeying for Policy Makers / Social Entrepreneurs

Justmonkeying Children’s Library was conceived as a private Library as the amount of hassles in registering an NGO ( be it a trust , society or a sec 25 Not for profit) and the corresponding issues that would be faced, we call ourselves as social entrepreneurs where the payback is not in terms of money alone . We welcome Policy makers and organizations to utilize whatever resources available with us to encourage reading among children. Our Model is easily replicable and is built on a plug and play platform , we encourage to other libraries , wannabe social entrepreneurs and concerned folks to do connect and we would try assisting in whichever way

Tool Kit









Policy Makers